6 Free Tips on How to Write Great Articles
⢠Know your subject matter!
In order to write an article that will contain useful information, you need to be knowledgeable in that subject. If you are already an expert in the niche or field, then you have a vast amount of first hand knowledge. However if the subject matter is not one that you are familiar with, you need to spend some time doing research in that area. Another great source to draw upon would be to interview an expert in the field.
⢠Write about something that interest you!
When you have a real interest in a topic you are very excited when you discuss it. This excitement shows in how you speak or write about a subject. You are able to give first hand information and this factor alone with make your article interesting. If you are writing for instance, about making money from home, you can tell of experiences that have worked well for you. On the other hand, you can also tell of your less successful ventures. Using examples adds credibility to your writing.
⢠Clearly state the intent you have in writing the article!
The very first paragraph of any article should tell the reader what the content of the article is about. If you are going to explain how to do something, you need to give them that detail. You might be pointing out ways to solve problems, let your readers know that in this first paragraph. You are trying to give them the information they need in the first paragraph so they can determine that this content is important to read.
⢠Answer the basic questions within your article!
In internet article writing you must answer the questions that you have asked in your first paragraph. If you are asking how to make money at home, for instance, you need to provide in your article a step-by-step plan on how to accomplish this. You have stated "how to" do something, so you need to follow through and explain how to do it.
⢠Write a precise but informative article!
Just because you need fresh content for your web page, do not write articles about something that has no value. All of your articles should be informative and full of content. I am sure you have read articles and you wonder what the author was trying to convey. You do not want your readers coming away with that feeling. You want to add value to their visit to your website. You want them to want to come back to see what new information you have provided. You also do not want to write articles that same the same thing in many different ways. Make your articles direct, precise and useful. By doing so you will not only add great content to your website, but you will gain the trust of your customers.
⢠Break up your article into sections!
It is better to have short informative sentences instead of long paragraphs about your subject. Often, your reader will quickly scan your article to see if it is the kind of content or information they are looking for. You can make this possible for them by adding numbered or bulleted points that you think are important. These points can help your reader to quickly sum up the information you have provided for them.
I think that if you incorporate these tips into your article writing you will have new, fresh content to add to your website. In addition to that the search engines will spider your site and you will also draw targeted traffic to you business. Write an informative article, post it to your blog or website and then submit it to article sites. I have found great software that can help with both article writing and submitting articles. Check out reviews of products at [http://www.delareviews.com]. These programs will save you time, you can spend that time increasing your business or with leisure activities with your family and friends.
Written By: Denyse Duhaime