You Have the Option of Satellite Internet in West VA
To be fair, dial-up isn't nothing but negatives. It will probably be the cheapest internet connection you'll find anywhere, if you only look at monthly payments that is. When you consider that you have to have an active phone line to subscribe, it could end up being a more expensive proposition. A phone line could easily double the cost of the service. Many people would have a phone line anyways so it doesn't always have to be considered an additional cost, but more and more people these days are making exclusive use of their cell phones for local and long distance calls. Although it may not be an additional cost for you now, it could be in the future should you ever change your habits.
Even if you already have and use a phone line, you wouldn't necessarily be saving with dial-up. Time is money in this world and the more time you spend waiting for the internet, the more time you'd be wasting. Dial-up is significantly slower than satellite internet in almost every way, and not just because of transfer rates. Before you even start browsing, you're going to have to dial in and connect, which will take around a minute. This stands in stark contrast to broadband connections that are always connected. You could also waste time reconnecting should your session ever be interrupted. If someone were to pick up a phone that resides on the same line as your dial-up connection, you could potentially be disconnected. Aside from that, the underlying connection itself is just plain unreliable. It uses older infrastructure and thus cannot help but misbehave sometimes.
Ultimately there are too many negatives associated with dial-up. Satellite internet, on the other hand, is full of positives. First of all, it's a broadband connection. You'll always be connected and you'll be able to download music in minutes and movies in under an hour. Dial-up would have trouble with both of those two things, among many other activities. You'd also be able to stream movies, upload media to social networking sites, video conference, and more. Essentially, satellite internet is a great substitute for cable and DSL because it can keep up with them any day.
Considering the hidden cost of a phone line that goes along with dial-up, satellite internet wouldn't even be that much more expensive neither. It uses wireless technology to beam the internet directly to your home from satellites orbiting overhead in space. Therefore, no phone line or any other infrastructure would have to be provided by you. In the end, it just makes sense for West VA residents to sign up if they don't have cable or DSL options to consider.