Planting Baby Limas
- 1). Clear a full-sun garden bed of any weeds or debris in spring before planting. Work 1 cup of 5-10-10 analysis fertilizer into the bed for every 50-foot row you are planting. Till the fertilizer in to a 6-inch depth.
- 2). Plant baby lima bean seeds once temperatures are steadily above 50 degrees F and there is no more danger of frost. Sow the seeds 1/2 to 1 inch deep and space them 4 inches apart in rows. Space rows 3 feet apart.
- 3). Install a 6-foot tall stake behind each plant if you are planting a climbing variety, as indicated on the seed packet. Most baby limas are bush types, but there are some heirloom climbers available. Push the stake into the ground 8 to 12 inches so it is firmly anchored in place. Once the plant begins growing, the baby lima climbs the stake on its own.
- 4). Water after planting so that the soil is evenly moist to a 4- to 6-inch depth. Water once weekly thereafter, providing about 1 inch of water each time. Water more frequently during hot weather if the soil begins to dry.
- 5). Weed between the lima bean rows once or twice a week so weeds do not become established. Disturb the top 1 inch of soil with a rake or hoe so weeds cannot root. Avoid weeding too deep as you may damage the lima bean plant's roots.
- 6). Harvest the baby lima pods when they are bright green and firm. Mature pods are rounded out by the mature beans inside. Harvest in the afternoon when the plants are dry.