Daycare Teacher Christmas Gifts
- Being a daycare teacher can be a very demanding job.Beverly Logan/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Each day, daycare teachers assume a massive amount of responsibility in working with kids. While some may agree that it can be very rewarding to instruct children at such a young age, it can be a taxing job, nonetheless. Daycare teachers must deal with screaming children, crying children, and misbehaving children on a daily basis. So, when Christmas comes around, take the time to get your child's daycare teacher an extra special gift that says you acknowledge and appreciate what she does. - A really appropriate way to thank a daycare teacher for all the topnotch care that she has given your child is to give her some sort of spa- or salon-related gift so that your teacher can really receive some pampering. For example, a gift certificate to a spa where your teacher can get an hour-long massage or a facial will definitely be a hit. If you don't have a lot of money to spend, consider giving your child's teacher a gift certificate to get a manicure and pedicure.
- Dedicated daycare providers often appreciate getting new dynamic and educational toys for their classroom. You can ask the daycare teacher what her classroom needs, or, to keep it a surprise, have a careful look around. Consider purchasing age-appropriate block kits, paint sets, stuffed animals, and musical instruments. Such gifts help the classroom become a more vibrant place.
- Daycare teachers often don't make a lot of money. For example, the average wage ranges from $10 to $11 an hour, but if you don't feel comfortable giving your daycare teacher some cash, give him a gift certificate for something he can use on himself or his family. This is particularly useful around Christmas time, when daycare teachers have escalated expenses of their own. Consider purchasing your daycare teacher a gift certificate for the cinema, for a local department store, or for a popular restaurant, for example. Even if your daycare teacher doesn't need any financial help, he can always use the gift certificates to treat himself.