Get Paid For Being A Juror
There are many ways to opt out passive-aggressively, and we thought about taking that approach, but then I started thinking about the money-making aspect of jury duty. Many states do not pay much, however some will pay a substantial amount, and it can be a fantastic way to earn a slight amount of extra income... in some cases upwards of an extra $100 or more.
The amount you can be paid comes down strictly to a state level. States like Pennsylvania pay mere pennies for mandatory jury duty, paying only around (at the time of this article) $9 each day you are there with no other compensation for the first three days of duty, and only $25 for each day after. Then there are states such as Indiana which will not only pay you $40 per day, but will also compensate your fuel expense, lunch, and any hotel expenses, should you be required to get one.
Of course all of these compensations are merely circumstantial it's almost like a paid vacation, especially since it's unlawful for your employer to threaten your job for missing due to jury duty. You may be asking, "How do I sign up"? Well... unfortunately it doesn't exactly work that way.You are entered into a random lottery of people, and then selected based (typically) on social-security number. However, if you are interested in making extra cash by attending jury duty, there are a few steps you can take:
I can't tell you how important this is... there are a number of circumstances that go in to selecting a jury, and if you lie (even if you think it's what the recruiter wants to hear) you may not be selected. Jury selection process is based on honesty, neutrality, and your ability to be attentive and listen carefully.
Let them know you're interested.
In some states, you can write your "Clerk Of Court" and simply let them know you're interested in volunteering for jury duty whenever possible. They may brush you aside, however, the worst that can happen is they toss your letter... best case scenario, they select you again.In any case (willing volunteer or not) certainly don't quit your day job. This can be a half-decent way to make EXTRA cash, but is NOT a suitable job substitute. These selections are random in one way or another, and you're not guaranteed to be selected.If you still need additional income, and can't do jury duty, be sure to check out surveys paid. It's a fantastic (legitimately free) way to make a bit of extra cash. You won't get rich quick, or walk away with fist-fulls of cash like the photos on the site imply, but you can certainly afford dinner and a movie once or twice a week with it! To enroll all you need to do is visit: []