New Book Can Help You Improve Your Relationships
Kat Bourgeois' new book, What Could You Possibly Be Thinking?!! takes a different approach by interviewing people across the country.
Bourgeois went to the field to ask people like you and me these questions and more.
She asked the plumber from Texas, the bartender from Delaware, the teacher from Georgia questions about love, dating, and relationships and put them in a refreshingly short easy to read format.
The responses often cut right to the heart of the matter.
How does ambition, impact male/female relationships? "Men are intimidated by female ambition.
" Says, Esther, a CEO from Houston, Texas.
I also found myself chuckling at many of the responses.
Bourgeois asks, Would most men avoid marriage if they could have the benefits of sex and companionship without it? Cynthia from Kansas says, "Hell yes, men would avoid marriage like the plague.
It is a necessary evil they have to deal with.
" If you liked John Gray's Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, then Bourgeois' book is for you.
Find out what men would really change about women and what women would change about men (is it really the toilet seat thing?).
I would recommend this book whether you are married or single.
Married couples will find insight into what your spouse might really be thinking about your relationship.
I definitely picked up a few insights on how I can improve my marriage.
Singles will certainly benefit from the questions and answers on dating.
I will be getting copies for my adult children to read.
Kat Bourgeois is well qualified to write this book.
She is fascinated by the way people interact with each other.
Kat has helped hundreds of people create the career of their dreams and build relationships that enrich their lives.