Troubleshooting Your Blog Blunders
That's because a blog making money is a real possibility.
But if you've been doing it for a considerable amount of time without any significant income, something could be wrong somewhere.
However, troubleshooting this problem will need you to comb through the basics of successful blogging so you need to keep your mind open and your motivation alive.
First of all, did you even decide on a particular niche for your blog? If you haven't made up your mind, then you're in for some trouble.
Of course, you need to decide on a niche if you're going to get a significant following.
People follow bloggers for the specialized information they offer, be it health and fitness or computer software or anything in between.
If you offer a smorgasboard of ideas, people will find it hard to create a connection with you because you won't be giving them consistent reason to read your posts.
Second, do you offer fresh perspectives to the topics you write about? For example, if you were to write about health today, you could include issues of current social relevance such as those concerning the AH1N1 virus.
If you write about disaster preparedness, you can mention the killer typhoon that recently swept Taiwan.
Don't confine yourself to theories and notions about things.
You've got to always put a fresh perspective into them in order for people to find them interesting.
Otherwise, they would rather read Encarta online.
Third, do you use relevant keywords in your posts? This is, of course, important because search engines index web pages using keywords to give them a gist of that blog's content.
So if anyone runs a search on a keyword, your blog shows up because you have been using keywords effectively.
Of course, you can't immediately expect to land number one on SERP's (search engine results page) but, in time, when you have more and more links and hits, you'll eventually get there.
Of course, the fourth all-important question is, have you been putting advertising and affiliate links on your blog? If you want to make effortless money from blogging, you've got to have those links so people could click them and earn you commissions.
This is what we're talking about when we talk about money on blogs.
By joining Google AdSense , Amazon or eBay affiliate programs, you can get the bucks to roll in while you sit back, relax and have the time of our life communing with nature in some tropical island.