Save Marriage Tips - How to Avoid Divorce, Save Your Marriage, and Be A Hero!
After all, who wouldn't right? In today's day and age, more than 50% of all marriages end in divorce.
Personally, I think it's because society in general likes to take the easy way out.
Well, I can't save your marriage for you, but I can give you a few tips that I think will help keep you and your spouse on the road to marital bliss! Before we get into that, I will tell you that the two biggest reasons for divorce are infidelity and financial issues, in that order.
Financial issues, you say? If you're in love, money shouldn't matter, right? Theoretically, that's a nice thought.
But it's not realistic.
That brings me to my first tip: 1.
Avoid financial difficulty.
I know what you're thinking.
Some things are beyond your control.
How could you possibly foresee that layoff? Even though we can't predict financial disasters sometimes, we must do all we can to work through them and not let them become issues for argument and dissension in the marriage.
So, if you need to get a second job to keep your family financially comfortable, then you should do that.
It's a shame to let money get in between you and your spouse.
Losing your job is something you have no control over.
However, finding more work and even a second job is something you can control! 2.
Communicate every night before bed.
This tip is so important if you are to avoid infidelity.
Often, people feel that their spouse no longer cares about them or pays attention to them, so they start to look for attention elsewhere.
This is often the start of an extramarital affair.
That good looking guy or girl at work who seems interested in you cares when your spouse doesn't, right? Wrong! You need to remember that human beings have feelings, and they like to feel wanted and cared about.
So, you must set aside at least one hour every night to talk to your spouse.
As them how their day went and what's new in their life.
Find out if anything is troubling them and ask how you can help.
And most importantly, tell them that you love them every day at least once! If your marriage is having problems and you feel that you are close to divorce, there is still hope.