What Animals Are Attracted to Strawberry Plants?
- Save the strawberry harvest from animals.strawberries image by MAXFX from Fotolia.com
Strawberries grow well in both beds and containers, providing the opportunity for most gardeners to grow fruit. Unfortunately, animals attracted to the sweet berries decimate the crop before you have a chance to enjoy them. While many animals eat berries, a few in particular cause the most damage to the small fruits. - The largest animal that forages in most home gardens, deer kill off entire plants. They consume the foliage in early spring, stunting the plants and inhibiting fruit production. Deer also eat strawberry leaves in fall, though this causes little damage because the plants are already on their way to winter dormancy. Odor and sound repellents work in areas with minimal deer activity, but consider barriers and fences in areas with severe deer pressure.
- Skunks leave little undisturbed when foraging for food during the night. While their diet revolves around insects, both foliage and berries attracts these animals. Netting or fencing works best at preventing skunk problems in strawberry beds, as anything that startles these animals can lead to a big stink.
- Birds cause the most damage to many strawberry patches. They feed on the berries, sometimes before the strawberry has a chance to reach full maturity. Flocks of flying birds don't pose the only hazard, strawberry patches also attract turkeys. Netting prevents large birds and many small birds from accessing the strawberries, although a sound repellent may be necessary in some cases.
- Most squirrels and rodents eat the berries, not the foliage, of strawberry plants. Squirrels, in particular, can reach the strawberries regardless of where you plant them, even in hanging baskets. Fences have limited success, as squirrels climb over them, while smaller rodents chew through the netting to reach the fruit within. Use metal screens in areas with severe squirrel problems. Voles feed on berries and may damage strawberry roots as they dig.
- Strawberries may attract curious dogs. This leads to damage from digging, rolling around and walking over the plants. Planting in areas where the dog can't access the bed or surrounding the bed in fencing prevents this damage.