How to Do a Lesson on PowerPoint
- 1). Analyze your students' needs. Conduct an audience analysis by running focus groups or conducting interviews to determine your students' current skill level. For example, before you conduct a training session on how to use PowerPoint, find out how much your students know about presentation software tools.
- 2). Design an outline for your lesson. Identify the learning objectives. Each object should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time constrained. For example, learning objectives for a lesson on how to use PowerPoint include ensuring the student is able to add text and graphics to an existing presentation file at the completion of the lesson by demonstrating the steps to the instructor.
- 3). Develop instructional materials that explain vocabulary, describes procedures and provides opportunities for students to practice what they've learned. Include a set of resource links that allow a student to get more information on tips, techniques and shortcuts, such as keys to press to accomplish certain functions. For example, when doing a lesson on PowerPoint, describe how to press the "CTRL/P" keys to print the presentation.
- 4). Provide examples of key procedures, techniques or strategies. Limit the amount of text on a slide to keep it clear and concise. For example, for a lesson on how to use PowerPoint, include pictures of screens and menus required to create a short presentation and explain how to create a professional-looking presentation by using templates included with the PowerPoint product.
- 5). Evaluate your lesson to ensure you have achieved your training goal. Assessing training lessons typically involves asking students if the lesson met their expectations. You also need to ensure students can demonstrate mastery of the material covered through tests or observation. For example, measure a student's mastery of a lesson on how to use PowerPoint by having them show you how to open a file, change the layout, add text, change the font, insert a picture, add custom animation and save the file. Encourage students use these new skills and information in their daily lives. You may also need to prove that the lesson has a long-term impact, making it worthy of the investment of time and money put into the lesson's development and delivery.