Are Pen Names Moral For Review Bloggers - The Majority of the Times They Are

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A lot is dependent on your intention and motive if your purpose is to cheat Uncle Sam, slander somebody or otherwise go against each principle you in public stand for, then morally it'd be wrong no bones about it! If you merely wish to employ a pen name because you are scared of confusing your readers by mixing your posts on green products with reviews of rat rods ( old classic vehicles purposely customised to look coarse round the edges ), well you are doing them a service! You are also in good company.
As an example, ever been told about these writers? A.
Barnard Flora Fairfield Aunt Weedy Tribulation Periwinkle Oranthy Bluggage Minerva Moody I am gambling not ( unless you are a writer, that's ).
Nope, it is not a bunch of characters from J.
Rowling's Harry Potter series ( though it actually does sound like it ).
These are all of the different pen names employed by Louisa May Alcott, the beloved 19th century American writer whose youngsters's book Tiny Girls lives forever among the ranks of other classics, alongside Charles Dickens, Jane Austen and the Bronte sisters.
Why did she do this? Well, initially it was to guard her name ( ladies just were not meant to be writers, in those days ).
And she adopted the pen name A.
Barnard to pen lurid, racy melodramas for money.
And she is not the 1st writer to have done so ( though many weren't galvanized by descending into lurid, racy melodrama ) What Does that have to Do with Review Blogging? There is a far sounder mental reason to employ a pen name, if you are reviewing products in a slot far afield from your common one, however: And which has everything to do with the way peoples' brains work.
Ever observed a flick from a very different culture? Ever found the plot poor, or the ending too sudden and unsatisfying? Folks from those particular cultures would most likely roundly disagree with you.
You see, it all comes from conditioning.
We humans think in patterns.
Our brains desire everything to progress in an orderly, logical progression but not just any old orderly progression: One we are used to.
If you were to paste the peculiar post on Rat Rods in the middle of a handful of green cleaning product reviews ( perhaps throwing in an article you wrote on ski wax, as you think it is a fine one ), your readers wouldn't only be confused, you'd lose your branding power it might weaken what you are renowned for.
I guarantee you'd soon start to lose readers, when people expecting articles on green washing detergent found themselves reading about the virtues of hemis.
If readers need Tiny Ladies, they pick up Louisa May Alcott.
If they need steamy Victorian stories of banned relations and vengeance, they fall back on A.
An even faster example? The game of Tic Tac Toe.
You are used to seeing X and O in the small squares If somebody sticks a P in there, it simply doesn't compute, stops the game cold and creates perplexity.
Sticking to your most important area of experience works under your own name, and making another blog under a pen name ( even an adaptation of your own name ) for any other subject that changes the topic is the most efficient way to use a pen name.
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