Blogging to Increase Business
These "make money blogs" are extremely difficult to start and hard to maintain.
Top management in renowned corporations such as Hewlett-Packard and General Motors are now taking this blogging craze and using it to benefit their own business by indirectly making money blogging.
Traditionally, the only way that corporate officials could communicate with the people was through the news and brochures.
Starting an internet business blog, however, allows them to informally communicate on a daily basis.
This generates interest, and if done right, credibility by bringing the company and its management down to the public's level, making internet business blogging a vital asset to the company.
Blogging began as a way for those with similar interests to create a community where said interest could be discussed and explored.
Internet business blogging is a simple variation of this concept where the community happens to be the target audience of a particular company.
While one can directly make money blogging through self-described "money making blogs", for the purposes of CEOs and vice presidents of companies, the blog has become a place where they can interact with the fraction of the public that is interested in their company and stoke interest through wittiness and controversy.
It's basically a public and online journal that, when used effectively, can steer discussion and influence their customers' opinions.
Internet business blogs also provide a way for companies in the same industry, other employees, and critics to leave comments and posts that management can respond to.
Besides the inevitable useless posts filled with profanity, management can respond to criticisms by improving products and services.
This will engage the target community, allows the company to shape its own perception, and result in increased business.
The power of blogging relies on word of mouth, one of the most powerful ways of generating hype and interest.
Internet business blogs can also act as make money blogs and generate revenue by advertising about relevant products.
Management should never remove or filter out unfavorable comments.
In fact, criticisms are much more important than praises in the world of internet business blogs, the latter of which serves no other purpose than stroking the company's ego while the former can actually lead to beneficial change.
Removing and deleting unfavorable comments will result in a drop in credibility.
It takes away from the conversation the company has with the public and the target community will most certainly take offense to such actions.
Effective internet business blogging means less formalities and talking to the public on a more personal level that promotes discussion and portrays the company's perception and main concerns.
Blogs should be updated at least two to three times a week to maintain a level of interest.
As the money making blog community grows, companies have learned that there is more than just one way to make money blogging.
As a prominent member of the company, you're in the best position to accurately portray the convictions of your company and respond to criticisms through an internet business blog.
Owning up to the bad and good is a must, and as your blog grows, your company will too.
To remain competitive in today's market, companies will have to exploit all the options and opportunities available to them, and that includes internet business blogging.