How to Make Money Online - Blogging
Blogs are normally maintained by just a single person.
For an affiliate marketer in their quest to make money online, a blog is another very important free traffic method.
Affiliates create their own blogs and the will place their own articles linked back to their own affiliate offers within their own domain.
In addition they will add frequent posts and invite others to contribute content to their blogs.
So, a blog is an important traffic method and needs the correct set up to make it work for you.
There are many ways to set up a blog but essentially affiliate marketers use two.
They normally either use someone else as their host like Blogger.
com and WordPress or they create their own blog on their own domain.
The disadvantages of using a third party to host your blog is that you are never that sure if you are infringing their blogging rules and if you do they will suspend your blog, where all your hard work is lost.
So, if you really want a permanent serious blog then it is best to host your own.
The easiest way to set up a Blog is to use Google's Blogger.
com website.
You simply sign up for an account and in a matter of minutes you can have a Blog.
Blogger is a simple process and gives use a choice of themes.
You can literally have a blog post set up and pointing to an affiliate offer in minutes.
The Blogs that affiliates host on their own websites are normally WordPress Blogs.
WordPress is a free piece of software that can be installed on to your domain.
Once installed it will produce a very professional website.
Most affiliates will create a number of static pages that they do not allow comments against.
These articles are much the same as the articles that affiliates post to the ezines.
They have the normal back links and call to action for the affiliate offers.
In addition affiliates will make regular postings and invite others to contribute.
They achieve the posting traffic by they themselves posting on other people's similar blogs and then leave a link back to their own Blog.
Many affiliates also build many back links to their Blog.
They do this by creating mini blogs on other hosted blogs linking back to their own Blogs.
This method can only be used sparingly though as many blog hosts become suspicious if too many links occur.
The Blog URLS can also be added to the Social Bookmarking sites as another form of back linking.