Why Your Whys to Succeeding in Blogging are More Important Than the Hows
This often happens when people starts to focus on the how and what to do to get rich, and their eyes are open to ANY words, videos or articles on HOW and WHAT to do to get rich.
I'm not against getting rich, I hold to the point that we are entitled to them, but I'd like to recommend one thing: anyone who wants to become rich and successful must have these: knowing your REASONS for wanting to get rich and successful.
The question is, is that important? I would dare say it is actually more important than the what and how, as it becomes the fuel, the motivating factor to keep anyone consistently pushing on, moving on, even when there's little or no results in the beginning.
You see, when we start something new, there is always a learning dip, then a learning curve, and the results are often seen only AFTER we survive the learning dip.
This is where knowing the REASONS why will keep us to our vision and goals.
If we just employ a vision of what and how, we may overlook this "dip curve" and drop a budding business simply because we can't wait to see the results, and at the same time, this limits our learning curve, often causing us to have limited knowledge and practical know-hows, causing a revolving-door-syndrome in our mindset.
I've identified a couple of my own.
They keep me going day after day after day, despite the fact that results are not up to what I'd like to see, but they keep me going.
What about you? Take 30 minutes of your time reflecting on your reasons why you'd want to succeed, write it down, or better still, like me, I typed them out and pasted them where I can see them everyday.
Each time I feel weary, I take a good look at my reasons and for good reasons I get fired up again.
Find your reasons, when work your WHATs and HOWs.