The Best Superhero Couples
- Reed Richards and Susan Storm may seem normal to their neighbors, until she suddenly disappears into thin air and he transforms himself into a bouncing sphere. As Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Woman, Reed and Susan are one half of the legendary team the Fantastic Four. Neighbors sometimes gossip about her flaming brother, but don't dare say anything because of their other friend who appears to be made of rocks and seems somewhat gruff. Reed and Susan split their time between raising their son Franklin and annihilating super-villains with the insouciant grace that is characteristic of superheroes.
- It's unfortunate that Matthew Murdock is blind (the result of radioactive exposure, of course), because his wife is a red-haired Russian beauty named Natasha Romanova. Traveling around under the guises of Daredevil and the Black Widow, Matt and Nat enjoy fighting evil wherever and whenever it rears its despicable head. Daredevil more than compensates for his lack of sight through his super-development of his other senses, while Black Widow bewilders their opponents as a master of disguise. You couldn't hope to meet a nicer, more down-to-earth couple.
- Niki Sanders is strong enough to throw her husband through a wall, but she doesn't need to because he can walk through it himself. Niki and D.L. were characters on the television show Heroes. The actors who played them, Ali Larter and Leonard Roberts, possess the main requirement for starring in this series: ridiculously good looks. Niki and D.L. spent time sparring with the evil Linderman and trying to keep their son Micah from popping open ATM machines, something he could do with his mind.
- The nature of Batman and Robin's relationship has been the subject of speculation for decades. While people disagree on the details of their private lives, nobody contests the fact that they have the coolest convertible in Gotham City. Bruce Wayne is kept busy descending into the Bat Cave, sparring with the Joker, and keeping his ward Dick Grayson out of trouble. He's got no time for a wife.