How to Free Up Space and Memory on Your Computer
As I stated, this article is also designed for windows users but the basics are the same. Just locate your "disk cleanup" option and go from there.
The first step in freeing up space and memory on your windows computer is to delete all of your unwanted files that come from your browsing history and cookies. You can do this by opening up your mozilla or internet explorer and clicking on the tools option at the top of the page. - 2). Next, when you click on the tools option, scroll down to the "internet options" or "options" link and click on it. Your internet options main window should now appear. Go to the privacy section of the internet options window. Once there, click on the option that says clear history or clear temporary internet files and the option that allows you to remove website cookies. This will remove and delete all of the stored data that has accumulated through your search history and the cookies accumulate from website visits. By deleting these unwanted files, you are freeing up a lot of space and memory.
- 3). Next, once you have deleted all of your temporary internet files and website cookies, go to your start button at the bottom of you windows and click on it. Scroll your mouse over the "accessories" option until a new list appears. Scroll down until you see the option that says "systems tools and another list will appear. Scroll down to the "disk cleanup" option.
- 4). Lastly, the "disk cleanup" window will appear and will ask you which programs that you want cleaned up. Chose the files that you want to clean up and delete and the "disk cleanup" tool will start the cleanup process. This process will only take a few moments and you will have completely cleaned and deleted all of the temporary internet files, unwanted files and all of the website cookies. Hence, freeing up space and memory on your computer.
- 5). This article is written by me kevin mclain on august 11, 2009. I have written this article word for word without any form of plagerism and I claim the complete rights to this article along with