How to Create a Comma Delimited Text File
Things You'll Need
1Create a list separated by commas in Microsoft Word. (Note: If you already have a file that contains commas handy, open it.)
Select "File" then "Save As." If prompted, type in a name for your document and as the "Save As Type" select "Plain Text." (You may not be prompted to type in a name for your document if you have already saved it previously.)
Select the Text Encoding default by checking "Windows." Select "Insert Line Breaks," and CR and LF for "End With Lines." Name and save your document, if prompted. Close out of the document and the software.
Open Excel and in a blank spreadsheet select "Data," from the pull-down menu. Next, select "Import External Data," "Import Data."
Locate the saved file. At the Import Wizard dialog box, check the "Delimited" option and if desired, input the first row to import. Click "Next."
Check boxes "Comma" and "Treat Consecutive Delimiters as One," then click "Next."
Select "General" under the Comma Data Format section. Click "Finish."
Click on "Cell A1" to place the new data at the beginning of the spreadsheet and then press "OK." (You can place the curser in any cell where there are no conflicting space issues.)
Verify the data by spot checking visually to ensure that no commas are present.