Article Writing - 5 Things You Need to Do to Be an Ethical Writer
Not following these ethics could get you banned from the major article directories.
The problem is new article writers may not understand this code of ethics thus causing his/her article writing career to start off badly.
Here are five things you should know to make sure you are an ethical writer and stay on the good side of the article directories.
Duplicate content.
The first code of ethics is "thou shall not copy.
" It is not allowed for a website to have duplicate content displayed.
This means if you submit an article to an article directory and then only change a small portion of it and submit it again, it is most likely to be rejected.
This is true whether you wrote the article or not.
It is best if you want to create an article from your previously written material to do so by rewriting the complete article.
Do not steal other people's content.
There may be a tendency to want to copy portions of someone else's content.
You may say "it was just a sentence or small paragraph.
" No matter...
do not do it.
If you are quoting from someone else's work, make sure you give the author credit.
It is best to stay away from quoting others' content as this is frowned upon by most article directories.
Take responsibility.
Take a moral responsibility for the articles you write.
If you feel the information you are writing is not true or honest, then do not write it.
Once an article is published to the Internet, remember it stays in cyberspace forever.
If your name is tied to the article and it is completely untrue or bogus, then you may be remembered for it forever.
Too pitchy.
Do not make your articles all about sales.
If they sound too much like a sales pitch, people will not want to read them.
Make your articles interesting and entertaining.
This will cause readers to be drawn into the article and want to read to the end.
You must keep your readers' interests in mind or otherwise your articles become useless.
It is more ethical to help your reader solve a problem or concern and save your sales pitch for the resource box.
When writing articles, keep your readers' concerns at the forefront of your focus.
Unethical focus.
Stay away from unethical topics.
Do not use articles to promote unethical or illegal behavior.
Not only could the article be rejected, but it could also make you very unpopular.
Once you position yourself on a controversial issue, then it goes viral on forums and the blogosphere, your reputation could be done in quickly.
Even more so, your view could be deemed wrongly by children or weak-minded people causing him/her to take irreparable actions.
Make sure you use article writing and article marketing ethically.
This way, readers will be overjoyed to learn you have written a new article and your reputation will be a shining star for others to follow.
There are more tips and techniques to ensure your ethical article writing.
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