Asbestos Vancouver: Is your child's school safe?
The first thing you need to do, if you find out that there is asbestos in the school your child attends, is get a copy of the asbestos control plan. This is a plan that the school has to have in place, by law, and it will show you what has been done since the last assessment was done. You will know the type and the location of any building materials that are still in the school which contain asbestos. The school is required to update this plan on a regular basis including updating the condition of the asbestos and they also have to keep record of asbestos removal, if it was ever done.
In order to get the asbestos control plan you will need to contact either the Principal or the school board office and request it. If they are unable to produce a plan for you, they should be able to direct you to a local agency that can help to get the plan for you. They can also help you out if there are any renovations going on at your school and you are concerned that your child may be exposed to asbestos. It is important to be informed so that you can protect your children and also to help ease your mind.
You should be most concerned with any areas that have friable asbestos (this is asbestos that can be broken by hand pressure) because these areas are most likely to cause asbestos to be released into the air and inhaled into the lungs of your child. These are most likely things such as the boiler wrap, pipe wrap insulations, and ceiling tiles. However, many materials contain asbestos, so friable asbestos is not limited to just these areas.
Asbestos in schools is a big deal and the schools are required to stay on top of the issue. They do have to update the parents through the school board once a year as to what is being done and what has been done to keep the asbestos out of the air your children breathe. This is something that is watched very carefully and you have access to all the information you should need to make sure your child is safe.
You should not get yourself into a huge frenzy if your child’s school contains materials that have asbestos in them, however. It is not necessarily going to cause any harm to anybody in the school. If the asbestos materials have been removed or they are undamaged, then the school will be considered safe. You do need to make sure the school is taking all the proper steps to protect the students and the faculty and this should all be outlined in the asbestos control plan.