10 Inside Secrets to Google Adwords - Part 1

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10 Inside Secrets to Google Adwords - Part 1

Let's face it... Google Adwords is not the only source oftraffic on the internet, nor is it free. However, if you cannotconvert the traffic you get from the pay-per-click traffic onGoogle Adwords, your site surely won't convert the casualvisitor who may or may not be ready to buy what your are selling.

When spending money for pay-per-click (PPC) traffic, whether itis from Google Adwords, Overture, or a 2nd-tier PPC network, thekey is to track your traffic to see if it converts into sales.There are many software products and online services that cantrack your traffic. For a recommendation, visit:http://www.superiormarketingpartners.com/adtracking.html

Many people that have tried Google Adwords have lost theirshirt, so to speak. Some keywords on Google Adwords are cheap(keyword phrases start at a nickel per click). Some keywordphrases on Google Adwords can cost tens of dollars per click. Ifyou end up paying high per-click prices on Google Adwords anddon't sell a high-ticket item on your site, even the mostenviable sales conversion rate won't turn a profit.

There are several tricks to advertising on Google Adwords thatunless you know them, it becomes almost impossible to turn aprofit on your advertising.

Secret #1 - Only bid on exact match keywords

Google Adwords has a few different 'keyword matching options'available. When a keyword is placed in brackets like this:[keyword], it is called an 'exact match.' This means that onlywhen someone enters that EXACT keyword phrase will your adappear. It might occur to you that by limiting your keyword(s)to only exact match, you are eliminating all those people thatmay be searching for the phrase "cheap widgets" or even "widget"singular, since only the keyword "widgets" plural is an exactmatch. Believe me, this is exactly what you want. Sure, it willtake extra time to create an adgroup within the Google Adwordssystem for each keyword phrase you want to bid on, but you willknow with 100% certainty which keyword(s) are converting intosales this way. If you do NOT use the exact match option inGoogle Adwords, then there is absolutely no way to know whichkeyword(s) are resulting in sales on your site.

Secret #2 - Bid to be in position #2 or 3

When someone searches on Google for your keyword, the first pageof search results are going to reach the most people. What youwant to do is position your ad in one of the top 3 spots. Youdon't want position #1 necessarily, because that position coststhe most and doesn't give you much more benefit than being inposition 2 or 3. You pay less for these spots than position 1and gain most of the benefit.

By being in one of these top spots, your ad gets a higher'click-thru rate' (CTR). This is good is because the GoogleAdwords system actually rewards you for having an ad with a highCTR by charging you less per click! Google Adwords exists tomake money for Google. If they have two companies advertisingfor the same keyword, and your ad pulls a 10% CTR and yourcompetitor's ad for the same keyword pulls a 5% CTR, then GoogleAdwords makes more money from your ad. Google Adwords rewardsyou for this higher CTR by charging you less per click than yourcompetitor!

Secret #3 - Negatively qualify your ads

Admittedly, the problem with having an ad that has a great CTRis that it gets a lot of clicks! Unless your traffic convertsinto sales, it's hard to turn a profit on your Google Adwordsads. The key is to put words in the ad that DISCOURAGE peoplefrom clicking on the ad unless they 'pre-qualified' to convertto a sale. For example, if you have site that sells widgets thatcost $10.00 each, then put something in one of the lines of textin your ad like 'Widgets cost only $10.00.' The only catch isthat if your ad isn't getting a very good CTR in the firstplace, then a negative qualifier is only going to reduce yourCTR.

Your next step? There are many more techniques to learn thatwill increase the profitability of Google Adwords campaigns. Theabove tricks will start you off towards making Google Adwordswork for you. Check back for Part 2 in this series. You can geta complete course that covers every tip and trick you will everneed by visiting:http://www.superiormarketingpartners.com/adwords.html
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