Stop My Divorce! I Made a Mistake, Now What Do I Do?
But, hold on; as your head clears and the anger subsides, you realize the mistake you have made and want to call the whole divorce thing off.
Well, don't despair.
Since it has yet to become final, you are in a position to stop your divorce from going through.
If you are asking how to stop my divorce, you have come to the right place! The hardest thing to do at this point is swallow your pride and admit you were wrong and acted hastily.
It will take great strength to apologize, but this must be done in order to stop the divorce.
Realize, your partner has been wounded by your request for a divorce and may not be real receptive to just have things go back to normal.
But, if you are sincere and show that it was simply a mistake and you were not thinking clearly, you stand the best chance for reconciliation.
In striving for forgiveness and a true desire to stop the divorce, you will need to convince your spouse that the marriage is worth saving.
This means going to great lengths to prove that you really mean it; and how you go about this can make all the difference.
By showing sincerity and a calm demeanor, you will increase your odds of saving the marriage.
Remember, you were very adamant about wanting the divorce, most likely in the heat of the moment.
To expect your partner to just let bygones be bygones will not be enough.
You will need to be patient and allow them some space to think about it.
After all, you were the one who was quick to pull the divorce trigger.
The least you can do is understand how they feel and that they may want to think it over.
Most likely this is because they don't want to go through this again; it hurts too much.
To demand a divorce provokes many different reactions.
There can be pain associated with such a request and there can also be anger or quite possibly a desire to not so much get mad as to get even.
The last thing you want to do when trying to stop your divorce is become animated and start yelling or demanding that your mate take you back.
If you want to discover 'how to stop my divorce' you need to forget the anger and resentment you have toward your spouse that moved you to ask for the divorce in the first place.
You also have to agree that you have problems that need addressing.
By admitting that the relationship won't work if you just get back together and only deal with the symptoms without treating the cause, you will have gone a long way in convincing your spouse that you are willing to do what it takes to stop the divorce.
It is vital you do whatever it takes including seeking marriage counseling.
All these ideas will convince your spouse that you are doing all you can by showing them you truly want to stop your divorce and that you are ready to make the relationship better and stronger than ever.