Can You Regain The Trust In A Relationship?
The marriage can be saved if the partners want to spend the time and energy, and especially if it's only happened one time. But there are some people who can't see beyond the break of trust and want out. Read below if you're one who's willing to try to make it work.
For The Cheater-Making ammends for this misgiving will take time. Love your wife and let her know that you are sorry and that you really do love her. Do things to show her this. Don't get angry when she follows you around, calls and checks up on you or doesn't believe you. You made her not trust you and you will have to earn that trust back a little at a time. Go out of your way to be extra sensitive to call and let her know if you are going to be only a few minutes late and do meet whatever her needs are. Over time she will being trusting you again, but in the beginning you will have to toe the line a little.
For the Hurt One-The most important thing to grasp is that you were not to blame for this action. It has nothing to do with how you look, talk or make love. But it is crucial to know that the communication needs to be increased to be sure that was not a contributing factor. You won't gain trust immeadiately it'll take time but you can't be there every moment, the decisions your partner makes are their own.
Try to move past the behavior, get back into your life and start to be open to trusting again. You're not going to be able to watch their every move, part of the trust is trusting they want to be in the marriage again like it was before. If you feel you need counseling do follow that thought, it may be helpful for you or the both of you.