How to Make a Giant Candy Corn With a Pumpkin
- 1). Wash the outside of the pumpkin carefully to remove all dirt and outdoor debris. Dry it gently with a hand towel, and wipe it down with a paper towel dampened with rubbing alcohol to remove any excess dirt or product wax if your pumpkin was store bought.
- 2). Use a sharp, long blade knife to cut the top off of the pumpkin. Cut approximately 3 1/2 to 4 inches down from the stem, all the way around in a circle. Remove the top and set it aside for cleaning and later use as the lid. Carefully scoop out the inside of the pumpkin, removing as much of the flesh as you are able to.
- 3). Tear off a piece of low tack masking tape long enough to wrap completely around the pumpkin. Wrap it approximately half of the way up from the bottom.
- 4). Paint the bottom-most section of the pumpkin yellow. Let the paint dry, then apply one more coat and sprinkle glitter on the still wet paint. Set the pumpkin aside to dry.
- 5). Paint the entire lid (top piece of the pumpkin) white, except for the stem. Sprinkle glitter on the still wet paint then set the lid aside to dry.
- 6). Paint the top half of the pumpkin orange. Apply a second coat once the first has dried. After the second coat, apply glitter to it and remove the tape (the stripe left by the tape is not painted over with any color). Set the pumpkin aside to dry completely.
- 7). Pain the stem with green paint.