Countdown to Christmas With Twins
For twins, it is a time of magic and fun, for parents, it is a time of extra stress and double planning.
How are you going to survive the heightened level of excitement and energy? And still keep the spirit going and the magic in the air? First, create a plan and stick to it.
Do not feel that you have to attend every holiday party and event that you are invited to.
Saying no is just as critical as saying yes.
Just make sure you RSVP and let the host know what you are doing, they in turn will give you the same courtesy when your invitation is sent.
We also talked about making a list and checking it twice, don't forget to continue to do that.
Having a plan in place helps eliminate confusion and doubt about what you should and should not do this holiday season.
Second, keep your wallet closed! Try and take advantage of making presents.
This time of year always cause people to spend more, shop extra hours, and feel obligated to be extra generous with their money.
I am not asking you to take away the gift of giving, I am encouraging you to do so wisely and cautiously.
There are many gifts you can make and create by using items you already have or can find for cheap.
Giving home made or hand made gifts says so much more than going out and buying something.
It shows that you are taking the time to put love into a present and not rushing out to get just anything.
Third, have accountability! Share your vision for the holidays with your spouse or family member.
Encourage them to keep you on track with the number of events you are going to participate in, the traditions you must share with your twins, your budget for gifts, and any other holiday things that are on your list.
Do not try and accomplish the next month without any help or accountability.
It is a time for families and friends to be together, so make them help you enjoy the season too.
The important thing is to remember the real reason for the season and not jump on the commercialism of the holiday.
Have a great holiday and even better post holiday by not creating extra stress now!