The Power of Subliminal Messages
Researchers at the Department of Psychology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem indicate that the studies they have conducted show that subliminal messages have a great influence on the attitudes and political behavior. This finding was an important addition to what is already known on the results of subconscious process.
The studies, led by Dr. Ran Hassin - a cognitive scientist, show that subliminal image of national symbol is not only the political attitudes of citizens, but also the vote and the reality of voting intentions in the general election.
In the article titled "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences," which was published in the U.S., Hassin team gave a detailed account on a series of experiments that analyzed the consequences of their presentation subliminal national flag. The research involved more than 300 participants recruited from the Hebrew University of Mount Scopus campus.
In a first trial, the Israeli participants were randomly divided into two groups. They were questioned about their thoughts and feelings on major issues of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Before answering the questions, half the participants were exposed to subconscious images of the national flag flashed on a screen and the other half was not. Based on the results, the group had described a propensity to turn the basic policy.
A brief exposure to the image of the flag of Israel - so ephemeral that people have not even had time to consider - was enough to cause people to adopt more moderate views. Another experiment, conducted weeks before the Israelis have withdrawn from Gaza, has produced the same results viewing and centrist views regarding the withdrawal and the presence of Jewish settlers from Gaza and the West Bank.
The third experiment, conducted just before the most recent general election, showed the same results. The subliminal image of Israel from national symbol - the flag - have attracted the left wing and right-wing, Israelis to the political platform. Significantly, those who were unknowingly exposed to the national flag said he intends to opt for parties larger than those that have not been intentionally exposed to the subliminal image.
The search was then promoters participants after the general elections and found that the group exposed subliminally actually voted more moderately. The subliminal exposure to the national flag shows what appears to be a surprising yet to be surveyed and analayzed.
According to Dr. Hassin, the results are interesting for two basic reasons. Firstly, the results provided reliable empirical evidence of non-consciousness, in which the ideas ingeniously affect a person behaviors and thoughts. Mr. Hassin the research team is now expanding the study to investigate what other dogmas can do, and how they are expressed.
Secondly, the results considerably extend the experimental knowledge regarding the nature of the subconscious process, as well as the influences of subliminal message. At present, Mr. Hassin and his team are exploring the psychological mechanisms that are causing this phenomenon.
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