Are You Tough Enough Mentally? / ONLINE MARKETING
The most important presentations you make in life will be the ones you make to yourself. €Mental Toughness€ is the ability to communicate with yourself - especially under pressure. As you build your ships - Friendship, Relationship, or Partnership, Your willingness to be your own best friend might very well make or break you in the process. These are all online business ideas to help you in your endeavors. Every great performer has to have Mental Toughness. It is that critical. We were never trained to listen to ourselves, yet we constantly talk to ourselves. I call it the Monkey mind, constantly chattering away; sometimes offering counsel, many times creating what is called self sabotage. Self sabotage is destructive in that unless we catch it, the outcome based on listening to this negative chatter will only magnify the negatives in the process. This is a skill that has to be learned through self introspection and over time. We are literally in €automatic€ behavior mode approximately 90% of the day. This is your subconscious mind or file room of information containing every thought, event, happening, and associations that have occurred in your life. While we think that our conscious mind is in control, as it is the reasoning mind, be cautious. This part of your mind is only about 10% of its capacity to react to life circumstances and guided by critical thinking. At the end of the day, your subconscious mind and its values, beliefs, and emotions, learned in your toddler years, will have the bigger part in your decision making process.
Here are some suggestions to create a stronger mindset, one that will help your drive to create success at whatever the challenge may be. Work at building these into your current system and keep using them until they become part of your behavior.
Heighten your sense of mental clarity and focus.
Write down exactly what you want to happen. Prioritize goals and demonstrate laser like focus until they are accomplished. A quick secret that will help you, as in these few daily minutes, your mind's ability to be open to suggestion is heightened. The first opportunity is in the morning, when you first wake up lasting approximately 10 to 15 minutes. The second is at night just before you go to sleep. This is another 10 to 15 minutes that give you the ability to start re-programming old thoughts into new behavior. The trick is to use these two daily opportunities to think through what you want to happen that day or the next with written notes spelling out specific outcomes. Since your mind is very suggestible at these two time slots, use the opportunity to start writing down specific scenarios and their outcomes. You will be surprised at how simple this is. An easy way to get started on this approach is to write down at night, while you are in bed, TV and radio off, €Tomorrow is going to be a great day.€? in some sort of journal And sign your name with a date. This is followed up when you wake up the next morning with the statement - €Today is going to be a great day.€, signed and dated as before. Just those two statements done for even thirty days will offer you change that will be surprising. The mind works on repetition and a simple number, twenty one, which is what is needed to start a new file. Think about weight loss programs, work out programs, etc., as they are based on this simple concept. Do it enough to create a new habit, one that you are in control of versus driving through life with your headlights off at night.
Create an Emotional vision of what you want your life to look like, feeling the change.
Put your thoughts, your vision in writing and visualize it on a daily basis. Visualization Creates Realization! Remember thoughts become things. What we see in our mind's eye is what we reap in our reality. If you feel that your life is over since you lost your job, then it is, until you find another one. I categorize personal change into three areas of life: Success, Prosperity, and Happiness. Let me break these down so they make more sense. Success is about personal change. Weight loss is a great example. Prosperity is all about money and what it can do for you. Happiness is all about relationships and we all know how a bad relationship can ruin a lifetime if left untreated.
The key factor here that is needed with all three is your emotional makeup, which starts with a thought, a smell, an experience that brings back memories that impacted us in earlier life. You have to tap into your emotions and €feel€ good about what you are doing or wanting to do. Unless there is a feeling, something that truly grabs you in the solar plexus or heart region, you are not tapping into this rich reservoir of strength and opportunity. Thinking about it is not enough. This is your conscious mind at work. We need to go deep into the subconscious that has stored these important values since your toddler years.
Monitor your monkey mind's self talk and use only positive language with yourself.
We spoke about this earlier. Learn to really listen to yourself. If you happen to hear negative talk, turn the conversation into a positive one. Always see the outcome and feel its rewards. Unless you work your way through some program of understanding what you consistently tell yourself, you will always fall back to your subconscious taking over with its 90% position and in the process continuing the self sabotage position that does not work to your benefit.
Learn how to use your mind for positive change and access the powerful states allowing you control.
I am a firm believer that you can re-program your mind, as I have proven it to myself. I won't take the space here to go into my childhood, but years of mental and physical abuse created the person I had become, going into life on my own. I was fortunate enough to have access to this type of information later in life and after a good fifteen years of Mind Fitness as I call it, completely changed the person I have become. I am such a believer that I co-authored a book with my wife, teaching the ordinary person how to change out old files into new ones. I cannot tell you how different my thinking is today after going through this process. I will have this book in e-book format soon and it will be available on my website.
Hang out only with people that are positive and can help you in life.
Champions don't run with losers! Our Founder, Stuart, has made the comment more than once that we are much like the ten people that we consider our friends and support team. This is so true, if you want to be a Winner, you have to hang out with them. Listen to the great motivators such as Tony Robbins and he will tell you the exact same thing. One of the reasons that I am with the current online company is that the entire community is geared this way. We are all after the same objectives and help each other achieve our dreams. Teamwork in this case supports all of the members. Remember the old clich©, €It takes a village.€ If you find yourself in the company of negative thinkers, find a way out. They will only continue to drag you with them and ultimately do not serve your purpose.
Keep a running total of your victories in life.
Review them regularly. This builds confidence and positive expectation. If you followed my lead earlier and understood the two daily opportunities to allow suggestions to yourself, then take it one step further and start a journal or manual, entering daily how your day goes. You want to take the temperature. Am I doing what I need to do to move forward in a positive direction or am I letting my monkey mind and its endless chatter side track you in directions that are not conducive to positive growth and personal development?
Study Success!
Read and listen to positive role models and their life experience. Personal Growth and