How to Rescue the Farmer's Wife in "Neverwinter Nights"
- 1). Play through the game until your party travels to the town of Port Llast in the second chapter.
- 2
The Northern Road
Travel down the northern road from Port Llast and speak with the farmer named Gerrol who is hanging around on the side of the road. Tell him that you will help him find his wife who was kidnapped by a group of bugbears. - 3
The Caves
Head into the cave system found to the north and west of where Gerrol is standing. - 4
A Bugbear
Kill the bugbears in the caves that will attack your party and then head to the center of the area. - 5). Unlock the cell on the right side of the wall and let the farmer's wife out. Lead her back to her husband outside of the caves to complete the quest.