Arachnids and Scorpions in Florida
- The wolf spider is found throughout Florida and the southeastern coast.Brand X Pictures/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
One of the most commonly known arachnids is the spider. Florida has many types, both venomous and nonvenomous. The Wolf spider is a nonvenomous arachnid found in wooded areas all over the state. It looks intimidating, but only tends to bite when startled or handled improperly. The spiders range in size from 1/2 inch to 2 inches and are usually patterned with a mixture of black, gray and brown. - All four species of widow spiders live in Florida.Ian Waldie/Getty Images News/Getty Images
All four species that make up the venomous widow genus in North America can be found in Florida. The Northern Black Widow has two red hourglass-shaped markings on its abdomen, whereas the Southern Black Widow has only one marking, which is larger in size. The Red Widow is only found in central and southern Florida, where it lives in the branches of the Palmetto. The head and legs are red. The black abdomen has rows of red or orange dots, which are outlined in white or yellow. Brown Widow Spiders vary in color from light tan to dark brown or almost black and may have different color markings on the abdomen. - Florida scorpions are not poisonous.Hemera Technologies/ Images
Florida scorpions may look dangerous, but these arachnids are mainly a nuisance; no Florida scorpions are capable of inflicting a lethal sting. They vary in size from 1 to 4 inches. The scorpions have a broad, flattened body and 10 legs, the front pair of which are clawlike pincers used to hold their prey. The most common Florida scorpion is called the Hentz Striped scorpion. It is orange-brown in color and is found everywhere except the southernmost Florida Keys. The Guiana Striped scorpion is yellowish-brown, usually around 2 1/2 inches long and is found in the southern part of the state. The third species of scorpion is the Florida Bark scorpion; it is the largest of the three. - The deer tick can transmit Lyme disease.Comstock Images/Comstock/Getty Images
The American dog tick is brown with white markings; it is one of the largest common ticks in Florida. The ticks are found on vegetation beside paths and trails; they jump onto warm-blooded animals that brush by the plants. The brown dog tick looks similar to the American dog tick, but it seldom attacks animals other than dogs; it is most likely found where dogs are kept in or around the house. The deer tick is not prevalent in Florida, but species that are close relatives and are capable of transmitting Lyme disease are common throughout the state.