Does Marriage Counseling Really Work?
When looking for a marriage counselor it is important to know what kind of training they have had. Don't be afraid to call their office and ask questions about their educational background, years in clinical practice, success rate and how much continuing education they have had since working in the profession. These are all valid questions and if you are going to put your trust into this person to try and help save your relationship it makes sense that you know who you are dealing with. I would suggest that if a counselors office is not willing to discuss this information or they are offended by the questions then they are hiding something and likely not the best person for the job.
Marriage counselors may work in a variety of settings. Many work in private practice and have established their own offices. Others will work for a medical practice that includes a variety of other medical professionals. The type of setting may not necessariy impact the answer to the question does marriage counseling really work but it is nice to know what to expect.
Marriage counselors work with couples that are having trouble in their relationships. This doesn't necessarily mean you are headed for a divorce. Many couples seek the help of a counselor long before they get to that point. Their may be minor riffs in your marriage or relationship and you want some help in coping with them before they get out of hand. You don't always have to be married to seek the help of a marriage counselor. Couples in long term relationships that aren't married can also benefit from marriage counseling []. Counselors may also work with two people that are thinking about getting married. This may help them decide if they are compatiable or not. It may also give the couple insight to any problems that they currently have that could jeopardize the success of the marriage.
Marriage counselors should act in a professional manner at all times keeping your best interests at heart. They are there to help you realize the true nature of your relationship problems, to give you advice on how to deal with them, and to establish a plan that can help you save your relationship if it has gotten to that point. Does marriage counseling really work is a question that will be answered when and if you actually use it.