7 Activities That Helped the Founders of Yahoo! And Google Succeed As Online Entrepreneurs
Due to it openness and easy accessibility, the web is considered to have great potential for entrepreneurs. Some early online business owners started out with a dream and little financial backing.
Jerry Yang and David Filo, the founders of Yahoo!, started the online company in a tiny office in a trailer at Stanford University while they were students.
Google founders, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, also met at Stanford university and developed Google's technology out of Page's dormitory room. Both Google and Yahoo! are worth billions of cool dollars today.
No doubts, in this digital age, the economic and social emancipation of many a people and country has a great link with the seriousness placed on the establishment and operation of online businesses.
To help you succeed in any online business of your choice, I reveal to you, as follows, certain activities that helped the founders of Yahoo! and Google succeed as online entrepreneurs:
Creative Thinking:
Yang and Filo (Yahoo!) as well as Brin and page (Google) generated new ideas and did something in new ways other people didn't think of. The four men have been creative people. They've continued to develop new web products, new online marketing strategies, and other new tactics for improving efficiency. Yang, Filo, Brin, and Page (as online entrepreneurs) have always exhibited the attributes of creativity - that has kept the billions piling each year.
Identifying Online Business Opportunities:
The founders of Yahoo! and Google have been able to identify countless online business opportunities on the internet. They focused on the information needs of most web users and developed technologies and techniques for satisfying those needs and creating satisfactory profits for themselves in the process.
Acquisition and Selection of Resources:
The €Stanford boys€ made several appropriate selections and acquisition of resources that were of immense value to the attainment of their aims as online entrepreneurs. They acquired appropriate software, hardware, finance (capital), and men to do some specialist jobs for them.
Taking Decisions:
Yang, Filo, Brin, and Page considered their personal capabilities and interests each time they took business decisions as online entrepreneurs. This basic considerations helped them face numerous obstacles on their way to success. They decided how to cope with risks and followed each decision they took to a logical end.
Creating Employment Opportunities:
The whole idea about establishing an online business concerns self-employment, which will eventually lead to employment opportunities for others.
As both Yahoo! and Google progressed, their founders couldn't handle the online businesses all alone. They need more hands, which motivated them to create employment opportunities for many others across the globe.
Marketing and Innovation:
Founders of Yahoo! and Google delivered properly, because they were able to provide new skills, improved management techniques, and modern technologies in order to satisfy the needs of other web users. That is how the engagement of the €Stanford boys€ in marketing and innovation helped them pursue and achieve their dreams as online entrepreneurs.
Management, Planning and Controlling:
The success or failure of any online business depends on these three elements - management, planning, and controlling.The €Stanford Boys€ - Yang, Filo, Brin, and Page planned for the unexpected and designed how to cope with it. They were also able to take charge of the affairs of their online businesses as they kept developing them in every ramification. Till this day, they have not lost firm grip on the management of their two world class companies - Yahoo! and Google.
To conclude, I say to you that once you master the above activities and judiciously perform them, you will be able to succeed in any online business you choose to engage in.
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