Increase The Number Of Articles To Increase Your Traffic
Another key factor in article marketing is to produce, produce, produce. You can't expect to submit 3 articles a month to a directory and see a massive increase in your traffic. You need to pump out as many articles as you can. If you are currently producing 10 articles a month then step it up to 20-25. If you are producing 25 then step it up to 50. The more articles you can write, the more opportunity for people to see those articles and more people means more potential for traffic.
If you look at any of the top article directories, you will see the top authors have hundreds upon hundreds of posted articles. Why do they do this? Do you think they'd do it if it wasn't working? I don't think so.
Many people will tell you that it's important to leave the reader guessing a little so they want to click on your site link in the resource box. I'm found that it doesn't really matter. The way to get a reader to click on your link is to give them quality content that solves a problem they are facing. They will go to your site or add you as a favorite author if they think the content you are providing is value.
Whatever you do, don't give up on your article marketing because you haven't been able to generate much traffic as of yet. Start by increasing the number of articles you submit and with each article try to solve a problem for the reader.