Every Kitchen Benefits From Using A Good Food Processor
A good processor will save you a great deal of time when preparing meals and your fingers will be much safer. There are different blades from which to choose that will do a variety of cuts. Processors have a plastic bowl that is clear and this bowl connects to the base over the motor with a twist or snap. Inside the bowl is a shaft on which you place the various blades. Then there is the lid that usually twists and snaps into place over the bowl. This lid has a hole in the top with a chute attached which allows you to place food in the processor while it is running and it will not spurt all over the room.
Professional use processors have a variety of different types of blades. There are the disc blades that look like a big circle that fits right under the lid of the bowl. This disc will grate, slice or shred. Place the food down the chute and the blade cuts and allows it to fall into the bowl underneath. They can have a whisk, dough blade, French fry cutter, julienne disc or a juicer. The other important blade is the one that has a shaft in the center that fits into the shaft in the bowl and has two blades that emerge from each side. This blade is situated at the bottom of the unit and chops, blends and purees.
If you hate to get the smell of onions on your hands a processor will help. Just remove the skin and cut in half then feed it down the chute and the dicing will be done for you. You can also grate cheese in a snap by just feeding it into the machine and using a shredding blade. You will be able to purchase the cheaper whole Parmesan or mozzarella and shred it with ease by yourself.
Baby food is easily made in a processor and if you make it you know exactly what you are feeding your baby. To make an easy spaghetti sauce just put garlic, onions, some green pepper, and tomatoes down the chute then pour it into a pan to cook. You will be able to produce much healthier meals for your family because you will use all fresh ingredients and make it yourself.
There is only one speed for most food processors although the newer and more expensive models may have more. A safety feature built into most brands is the fact that it will not turn on unless the lid is on securely. If you do not snap it into place the blades will not move. This will prevent you or anyone else from getting cut. Once the food is chopped you must remove the blade before you can remove the food. There is little chance you will be injured by removing the blade because it will not move once the lid is off.
Processors clean up fast and without any extra scrubbing. Rinse the bowl out and rinse of the blade and put them with the lid into the dishwasher. Wipe down the rest of the machine with a damp cloth. You cannot put the motor in water.
You get what you pay for in food processors. A high end, expensive machine will do just about everything. A mid range processor is probably good for most households and will do what you need it to do to produce very good recipes. The smaller and cheaper brands will not take much capacity nor do they have great power. If the only thing you need it for is to chop a few vegetables to make stew then they will work well. If you need to chop large quantities or blend heavy substances they will not work for you.