California Fruit Gifts
- California grows an abundance of fruits, all ripe for gift-giving.fruit basket image by Bruce Shippee from
A wide variety of fruit crops come from California. The state leads the nation in strawberry production and is responsible for growing most of the country's apricots, muskmelons, figs, table grapes, nectarines, peaches, kiwi, and plums. Citrus production is also strong in California, with abundant lemon and orange groves across the state. Thus, finding a suitable fruit-themed gift from California is not only easy, but an utterly appropriate way to honor both the state and the recipient with some of the best fruit found in the U.S.A. - Meyer lemons are a sweeter, more fragrant variety of lemon that is found primarily in Northern California. It's a very popular recipe ingredient, and a crate of lemons would make a fine gift for a baker. Meyer lemon curd and marmalade are good alternatives.
- Blood oranges are so-called because the flesh is a deep purple-red, providing a striking visual contrast to the bright orange rind. The juice contains flavor notes of raspberry. Buy a crate for an orange lover, or seek out a jar of blood orange marmalade to add to a friend's pantry.
- The olallieberry is a relative of the blackberry that is found almost exclusively in California and is beloved for its juicy tartness. The berries are too delicate to ship fresh, but olallieberry jam, syrup, and pie are easy to find and suitable for gift-giving.
- Apricots are a signature California fruit, and while many people are familiar with dried apricots, they're definitely a treat when fresh---both sweet and tart, fragrant, and juicy. Apricots are delicious eaten out of hand or baked; a crate will be welcome in any gourmet's kitchen.
- Don't neglect dried fruit as a good gift choice. Apricots, figs, and dates are all grown and dried in California and make delicious, unusual gifts.
- Another alternative is to check out California-based artisanal producers of jams, jellies, and preserves. Make sure your vendor selects local fruit for their products. Blue Chair Fruit Company, June Taylor Jams, CMB Sweets, and Ellelle Kitchen are all reputable vendors to try.