Making Your Good Marriage a Great Marriage
If you and your spouse have hit a dry period and you are thinking of taking drastic measures, it is important to take a step back and consider your options.
Instead of jumping to conclusions about what your spouse is thinking, make the commitment to one another to work through your problems.
Granted, there are times when things will not turn out as you had planned, but before walking away from a marriage, it is important to feel as if both of you have done all you can to save your relationship.
If it seems as if you and your spouse are not able to conquer the problems that exist on your own, consider consulting a counselor.
If you live in Arizona, you have the option of speaking to Scottsdale therapists or seeking Phoenix counseling.
There may also be options closer to your hometown.
Regardless of the location of your marriage counselor, there are tools couples can utilize if they are interested in saving their marriage.
Initially, it may seem hopeless, but if two people both have the same desires, there is a good chance you can make it work.
The first step to committing to a good marriage is to agree to be honest with one another.
This could very well be the reason that has brought you to this crossroads.
There are rare couples who are able to share and be open enough with one another that each knows what to expect.
Occasionally, the spark dies off from the relationship, and it is the acknowledgment by one member of the couple that alerts the other to a problem.
If your spouse comes to you and shares how they are feeling, it can be tough to not react poorly.
The first thing you should remember is to be thankful for their honesty, even if it hurts.
The next thing is to not overreact.
Just because he or she tells you they feel as if the spark is gone it does not mean the relationship is over.
Your spouse respected you enough to come to you first, before acting out in a way that may have caused irreparable harm.
Chances are, if your spouse has been feeling the relationship is lacking something it once had, you may have the same concerns.
The next step for the two of you is to try to recapture that early relationship feeling.
Spend time alone together.
It could be you are simply overwhelmed with day to day life.
Have a relative watch your children for the weekend and spend a romantic weekend inside or away at a bed and breakfast.
It may be possible to recapture your initial spark, but it will take work.
If it turns out your spouse has made a mistake before opening up to you, it is still important to remain calm.
You have two choices at this point in your relationship.
You can either end it immediately, or you can agree to hear their side and decide if you want to work through the problem.
Once your spouse has gone behind your back and done something, there are going to be issues to deal with besides the spark slipping away.
In addition to recapturing your original feelings, you are also going to have to learn to trust your spouse again and establish intimacy.
It is important to realize you are at a critical point in your marriage and you may need to call on the help of a third party to help you fix it.