What To Do When Your Boyfriend Wants Space
We sure don't think about break-ups when we begin a new relationship.
We focus on the positive and happy times when a relationship is fairly new.
With time, issues may occur in any relationship.
Here are several tips that can help you in case your boyfriend wants some space.
You're probably asking yourself, space? What does he mean space? There could be several reasons why your boyfriend may need space.
It doesn't necessarily mean there is something you're doing wrong; it could just be he's having personal issues.
These personal issues could be a current personal problem he may be facing at work, family, etc.
Insecurity could also be a cause that he may want space or even fear of commitment.
First, you have to take control of your emotions at this point.
I know this is a shock to you, but you have to keep in mind the word "self-control".
I know this hard to do, especially that you're in love but don't let your boyfriend take the best of you.
Do not jump into conclusions or assume why he wants space.
Ask your boyfriend for clarification on why he wants space.
You want to see the clear picture and the reason behind it before making any decisions of your own.
If you do see your boyfriend still communicating, this is a good sign.
He may still have possible feelings for you.
Don't stop communicating if this is the case.
Keep your communication to a minimal though.
Don't make yourself totally available.
You want to make sure he realizes he lost you.
Do keep in mind you don't want to have your wall totally up.
Ask him how's he doing and coping with his situation.
This allows him to see that you truly care about him and not solely focused on your relationship.
Self-confidence is the key at this point.
Within time he will start to show signs that he still want you in his life.
Though do expect the opposite.
He could just want to be friends.
You want to be emotionally be ready to expect either or.
Lets say he's slowly trying to warm up to you, then continue to be receptive and rekindle the relationship you have, even if its just friends for now.
If your boyfriend continues to draw close to you, then you can try to open up a little.
Remind him of the good times you shared together and silly moments.
Stay away from negative talk or bad experiences in your relationship.
You want him to draw closer, not push him away.
If he does show signals that aren't showing any interest, then do push away.
You don't want to get to involved and be heartbroken again.
I hope in your case he's indeed heading your direction, and before you know it, you're back in each others arms.
I went through a similar situation and there were steps I had to take to win my ex-boyfriend back.
Hope it works for you!