Causes And Treatment Of Dermatitis
It is simply an inflammation of the skin which is related to most skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, skin cancer etc.
There is the tendency to always refer to dermatitis as being synonymous with only eczema but this is not true.
In the same vein, it is not also correct to refer to every skin rash or disorder as dermatitis.
Causes of Dermatitis There are different types of dermatitis, each of them with its own causative agent.
Below are some of the common types of dermatitis and their various causes: Contact Dermatitis: This is caused by contact with certain substances such as perfumes, chemicals, preservatives and others that the skin is allergic to.
Atopic Dermatitis: Also referred as eczema, atopic dermatitis is a chronic skin disease that is usually accompanied by asthma and hay fever.
It also hereditary in nature.
Seborrheic Dermatitis: This type of dermatitis mostly affects the scalp and it causes dandruff.
In the case of children seborrheic dermatitis is known as cradle cap.
Stasis Dermatitis: This is the result of accumulation of fluids in the tissues beneath the skin due to slow return of blood from leg veins back to the heart.
When this occurs, the blood is prevented from providing the required nourishment for the skin.
Nummular Dermatitis: All men and women above 55 years of age stand the risk of being affected by this type of dermatitis.
It usually affects the hands, legs, arms and buttocks of infected persons.
Treatment of Dermatitis Dermatitis can be treated with prescribed creams and lotions hat is most important is to seek the professional advice of competent Dermatologists to be able to understand your skin conditions perfectly before settling for any kind of treatment.
This will in turn help you to tackle your skin problem the best way.
A good Dermatologist should be able to make useful and reliable recommendations that will help you deal with dermatitis without complications.