A Quick Cheap Divorce is Within Reach
This is particularly true if you and your spouse are on "speaking terms" or if you don't expect to disagree on many issues.
For a quick cheap divorce that is uncontested, consider some of these options: 1.
Use Online Forms: Many web sites specialize in the preparation of divorce-related documents, by state.
They will quickly deliver these forms, usually within three business days, which will be personalized for your specific situation.
Check out LegalZoom, Complete Case, or DivorceFormz.
They will charge anywhere from $25 - $200 for the document preparation, and will usually include a "how-to" guide for handling custody, support and property settlement negotiations.
Dominican Republic Divorce: Completely legal in the US and many other countries, a Dominican Republic divorce can be an excellent option for a quick cheap divorce.
It only requires one person to travel there, and be present in court.
They will complete your paperwork, assign legal representation, and it only will take about an hour in court.
Final paperwork will be usually be shipped to you within 2 weeks of your court date.
Mediation: Using a mediator for your divorce may be a more successful option if you and your spouse have more issues to resolve.
Working outside of the courtroom, a mediator will step in and work with both of you to find the best settlement.
While this works best for couples who have a strong working relationship, it can also help to settle your divorce quickly and amicably.
In the end, mediation costs quite a bit less than a litigated settlement, averaging about $5,000 total.
Collaboration: In many cases, one mediator will not work as well as having a mediator representing each party.
With Collaborative Law, each party brings in their own counsel to negotiate the settlement.
Similar to "mediation", collaboration aims to avoid lengthy, and expensive, courtroom litigation.
It can cost a bit more than hiring a single mediator, about $3,000 per person, but is still much less costly than a court process would be.
Cheap Divorce Lawyer: If you expect your case to be slightly more contentious than what can be worked out with mediation, then a cheap divorce lawyer may be the best option.
Fortunately, some of these attorneys offer a flat-rate for completing your entire divorce.
Be sure to ask for referrals and check them out with your local bar association first.
It will save you time and money if they are already familiar with your local family courthouse.
Do you own paperwork: Whenever possible, offer to take on the paperwork preparation, filing and document delivery.
This can be the most time consuming, and costly, part of getting a divorce, so the more you can handle yourself, the more money you will save overall.
Even if you work with an attorney, make sure he/she is aware of your desire to handle paperwork whenever appropriate.
Most online document preparation services also provide free support and advice for negotiation and document filing.
However you decide to execute your divorce documents and negotiations, there are many ways to ensure a quick cheap divorce.
Be prepared to do your homework, and you will find that getting divorced doesn't have to be an expensive, lengthy ordeal.