Why Poets and Writers Exist
Writers and Poets possess important abilities that the world needs desperately.
Recall your first love.
Was there music involved? A favorite love song? Do you remember the words? Lyrics are poems in themselves and why do songs have lyrics, anyway? Why isn't the music sufficient? Well, sometimes it is.
Most of the time, music alone fails to garner praise from the community of listeners and there's a fantastic reason: lyrics communicate for listeners the words they often do not have to describe their emotions.
Time and again, Poets and Writers (capitalized here because of the significance they have in this article) express what they feel in such a way that those not skilled in our area use our words to speak their own.
In some cases, people had no idea what they felt about someone until they heard it expressed in a song.
Let's explore another genre (and be patient with me if it's not your primary one): romance.
Don't worry, we've more genres to briefly explore.
In the case of romance, which has fueled the interest of wives, mothers and daughters, the art of romance--even seduction--is explored.
On a deeper level, romance readers learn romantic methods of communication.
They learn the vocabulary of love.
What about the value of Science Fiction? What is affectionately called Sci-Fi is also called Speculative Fiction, which is perhaps a more appropriate name.
Why? Because it speculates about the future.
If we can write it, then it can become.
Since movies come from screenplays, discussing movies for this topic is just as appropriate as the novels, though of course, the book is almost always better, isn't it? For example, "Star Wars" speculates about future technology and worlds.
From that type of speculation comes important dreams, plans, ideas, concepts for technology, etc.
I've always wanted a landspeeder because of "Star Wars".
If I get one, it'll likely be because someone who watched or read "Star Wars" made it come to life.
This can go much further, of course, to concepts portrayed in such movies as "Independence Day" and "War of the Worlds", in which Earth must defend itself.
By predicting possible future complications now in our literature, we create future solutions today.
Virtually every novel, poem and article or essay depicts some aspect of human history.
If you've ever read memoirs of deceased family members, then you know the value of every comment about past life.
I think Jose Marti advised us to have a son, plant a tree and write a book so that we could attain immortality.
Books can outlive them all.
What we write today could well exist hundreds, even thousands of years from now.
I remember seeing a book written by Christopher Columbus and not caring what he wrote, just that something so full of life from the past stood in a glass case in front of me.
When you start that negative talk--you know what I'm talking about--remember too that you have your abilities for a reason.
The world needs you to do what you're made to do.
If you're made to write, then do it.