Eczema Tips and Recommendations

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The skin is the largest organ in our body that protects us against various elements.
However, sometimes the body becomes very sensitive and some people have problems such as irritation and itching at the touch of clothing, extreme temperatures, emotional stress, allergens and irritants.
When this happens, these people may be suffering from a dermatitis known as eczema, it is usually a pink scaly rash accompanied by very itchy and, in extreme cases, skin thickening and filled with painful cracks in parts.
Some health tips and recommendations for people who have eczema:Do not scratch or rub.
The first thing to learn is not to scratch.
People with eczema seem to be more sensitive to itch and feel the need to scratch longer.
This often creates an "itch-scratch cycle" feels itchy skin, the person scratches, and the skin becomes even itchier.
This pattern of scratching effect on the reaction of the skin and healing patterns; sometimes causing a thick skin, leathery due to excessive scratching.
Keep your skin moisturized to minimize irritation, and try not scratching or rubbing whenever possible.
Avoid alcohol and spicy foods and also try minimizing the intake of saturated fat cheeses, especially those from junk food.
Be careful with the type of fabrics you wear.
Keep your skin away from irritating materials; explicitly avoid scratchy fabrics, like wool or synthetic fabric, which can cause irritation or allergic reactions.
You should also wash your clothes, towels and bedding with a mild detergent without perfumes and rinse well.
Wear cotton clothing whenever possible.
Avoid using products that can provide a local allergic reaction such as jewelry.
Keep your skin moist.
It is vitally important to moisturize your skin thoroughly and regularly.
Pick a thick moisturizer lotion or cream and spread it on your body in the first five minutes after your shower or bath while skin is still damp.
The purpose is to seal the skin so that moisture cannot escape.
Creams generally moisturize a bit more and its effects last longer than lotions for most people.
Reduce the situations that cause excessive sweating.
This means try not to sweat.
Eczema is worse when you sweat.
If for some reason you sweat, try to take a shower as soon as possible.
Take short showers or baths.
Since water tends to dry skin, take short showers or baths with warm water.
If you have to keep your hands in water for a long time (for example, washing dishes or washing the car), wear gloves.
Try not to use makeup.
If you use makeup, choose those brands that do not contain dyes and fragrances that can aggravate eczema.
Manage your stress level.
Since stress can reactivate the eczema, try activities like yoga, meditation, or walking after a long day to keep stress levels low.
Listening to relaxing music also helps to keep stress at low levels.
Keep a healthy diet.
Try eating brewer's yeast, plenty of salads, goat cheese and avoid sweets, and exciting sauces.
Consider using Omega-3.
Try to eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, avocado, tuna, salmon, and nuts.
Eat Watercress Salads.
Try to eat a serving of watercress every day since it helps to keep eczema under control.
For a most effective remedy try to accompany it with a drink made with parsley, spinach, celery and wheat grass.
Horsetail or "Equisetum arvense" Tea.
Horsetail is a plant that grows in wet places in Europe, Asia and North America.
This ancient herb known as Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) has high silica content (silica or silicon), mineralizing substance that is used in the body for production and repair of connective tissue while speeding the healing of bone damaged.
It is useful in the treatment of arthritis and osteoporosis.
It has stringent and diuretic properties: used for cystitis, bladder problems and prostate cancer.
It is an excellent natural diuretic for its richness in potassium and flavonoids, so they can be used when there is fluid retention and edema.
Its high silica content is also beneficial for hair, skin and nails.
Horsetail tea it is known to be helpful in some people.
As for home care follow these tips: •Keep pets out of the house, as tiny particles of hair, skin and feathers can exacerbate eczema.
•Remove all dust possible.
•Wash bedding frequently at high temperatures.
•Do not use thick carpets.
Finally, if you suspect that you or a loved one suffer from eczema, consult your doctor, since he is the only one who can diagnose your illness correctly and help you with your disease.
Ask your doctor about the correct medications for you to relieve itching.
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