Can Duct Tape Remove Warts?
Although there are medical techniques that you can go for to get rid of the ugly warts, there are some steps you can take yourself that can help you save money and give you control over your own skin health.
Among DIY techniques to remove warts, using duct tape may be your best option.
Can Duct Tape Remove Warts? The simple answer to this frequently asked question is yes.
It all depends on how you go about using duct tape to remove warts.
If you have correct know-how, you can easily do it in a few weeks.
The idea is to first purchase a roll of simple silver duct tape.
Cut off a small piece and stick it onto the affected area on your skin.
You have to leave on this duct tape for 6 days and remove it on the 7th day.
After taking off the tape, soak the area with warm water and scrape the skin with a rough tool like a nail file.
Repeat the previous steps, using DT for every 6 days and continue the process for around 2 months.
Usually, the wart disappears after 2 months.
Wart # 1 In my personal battle with warts I decided to give duct tape to remove a wart a try.
I'm in my mid fifties and still get warts.
Not sure why I'm so lucky but it has had me try many different methods over the years.
As "Meatloaf "sang in his hit song in the eighty's "Two out of Three Ain't Bad.
" I tested this method on three warts.
I had a newer wart on my neck that I was cutting every dad while shaving.
Tired of bleeding every morning, I cut a piece of duct tape in a circle slightly larger the a pencil eraser, put if on the wart then covered it with one of those round Band-Aids that are about the size of a nickel.
That wart was gone in a week.
Wart # 2 This wart was a little tougher.
It was on the side of my ring finger.
I was unconsciously picking it to the point of bleeding with my thumb nail.
I wrapped duck tape around my whole finger.
(big mistake) but the wart was gone in about 10 days; howeverit irritated the rest of my finger.
Next time I'll just put duct tape on the wart and cover with a Band-Aid.
Wart # 3 No such luck.
I have had a plantar wart on the fleshy part of one of my toes for more than 30 years.
I had it frozen off once.
It came back.
I had it cut off, ditto came back.
Tried over the counter meds, no luck.
Duct tape...
I was sure after my success with the other two that it would work I gave it six months.
While wearing a pair of rainbows at a cookout a friend commented "hey Fox what's the duct tape on your toe for.
" Science experiment I replied it's been a six month trial.
Well the duct tape method did not work for me on my stubborn plantar wart.
Ah but alas I did find a solution...
Topic for a later article.