California Car Accidents – Prevent it from Happening or Suffer the Consequences
First is due to alcohol and drugs. It is considered one of the greatest culprits as to the cause of road accidents not only in California but in other states as well. Car crashes usually occur during nighttime, when people use the time to drink and have fun after a long day's work. Intoxication and drug use impairs the vision, motor, and cognitive skills of the person while driving.
Because of the large fatality and injury rates caused by alcohol and drugs in California, random checkpoints have been installed in various hotspots in the main thoroughfares of the state. Law enforcement groups have been able to use their portable and quick alcohol breath devices and other sobriety tests to identify and detect drunken car drivers. Those who are tested positive are charged with criminal penalties under California state laws on DUI offenses.
Second is due to speeding. Coupled with the intoxication and/or drug use, drivers are able to go over the speed limit, especially in suburban and local areas. Unless it is a freeway, drivers cannot exceed the speed limit in these places. Doing so will increase the chance of drivers crashing into private properties like cars and houses and hitting on pedestrians that can cause injuries and death.
There are other factors aside from drunk driving and speeding. People are not used to wearing seat belts while driving. Considered as safety equipment for car drivers, it is a mandatory law in California to use seat belts at all times while driving, as this will reduce the occurrence of road accidents. Driver distraction such as the use of mobile phones contributes to car accidents in California.
People who get involved in car accidents always call for legal assistance. They usually seek personal injury lawyers Santa Monica, California, to file claims of injury and death caused by the erring driver, as well as damage to property. They can provide assistance regarding monetary settlements for health expenses and loss of property. Drivers must watch out not only for themselves but for the welfare of others because driving can be life-threatening when caution is absent.