How to Kill Weeds With Newspaper
- 1). Cover the landscaping areas where you need weed control with whole newspaper sheets at the time of planting. Use enough sheets to create a four- to six-inch layer. Avoid the use of colored newspapers, as some colored inks are potentially toxic.
- 2). Apply organic mulch over the paper to help anchor the paper in place. Recommended materials include grass clippings, straw, sawdust, hay or leaves. Avoid applying newspapers on windy days.
- 3). Use only a one-inch deep layer of organic mulch on the paper, as opposed to the generally recommended three inches. The newspaper under the mulch will do the rest of the job. The newspaper not only suppresses weeds, but also allows water to filter to the soil below.
- 4). Use shredded leaves rather than whole leaves if you cover newspapers with them. Whole leaves are likely to form a soggy, thick mass that compacts over time.