Blogging Defined
You probably think blogging is typing your thoughts, interests and expertise into a computer.
That is only part of the blogging equation and can not be considered the act as a whole.
If this is what you are doing then you are not a blogger.
Blogging in my mind has 3 main actions.
Writing A blogger can write about anything under the sun.
That's why it is so great.
You might not have an audience besides your friends and family but that's okay.
It's still a creative outlet.
As the internet has matured blogging writing has gotten easier and easier.
Anyone can get a blog set up in minutes through applications like blogger.
com, Tumblr and even Facebook.
If you have aspirations for a more professional blog or content management system I recommend WordPress.
WordPress is a free blogging software.
com is the place to go if you would like to have them host your site.
It's quick easy and a great way to start.
If you want complete control over the way your site looks then go to WordPress.
There you can download the software and host it yourself.
You can select the look of your site from thousands of free themes or build your site through paid themes and HTML code.
All of this will get you started with the writing aspect of blogging.
Reading Why is reading part of being a blogger? Blogging is about community, it's about finding people who have the same interests as you and connecting with them.
Reading other peoples blogs will help your blog site.
You will learn from what they write.
You will learn from how their site is designed.
You will learn what works and what doesn't.
Reading other blogs will give you content ideas for your blog.
If someone you read wrote a post you really liked you can put your spin on it for a post on your site.
If you hated someone's post you can write a post stating why you disagreed.
Remember to link back to the original post.
Use an RSS reader and subscribe to the blogs you read the most.
An RSS reader brings all the blogs you like together in one place.
Engaging This is the most often over looked but maybe the most important part of blogging.
Like I mentioned earlier, blogging is about community.
How do you create a community? You engage with people.
You comment on their blogs.
You link to interesting posts.
You add their great posts to StumbleUpon and Digg.
You retweet other blogger's posts.
You share other people's ideas on Facebook.
This is engagement.
If you only share your blog posts on all these outlets then you are just a broadcaster and people will ignore you.
When you do all of this sharing and linking it gets the attention of other bloggers.
That person will then check out your site and most likely comment on your posts and link to your information.
That's how you get noticed in the blogging world.
That's how you form a community around your site and build traffic...
Engage! I have a rule that for every blog post I write, I comment on 5 other blogs.
For every post of mine that I add to StumbleUpon I add 3 others.
Also Remember to link to others.
It's what makes the web work and gives you viability to Google.
This is blogging defined.
Again, you are not a blogger if you just write.
You must get out there and read, engage and be social with others.
Be human and connect with people.
You will be shocked by the effect it has on your blog and your blog traffic.