Video: Software for Recording a Demo Tape at Home
Video Transcript
Another way to go is computer based or software based recording. I use something called the stealth plug, t-tracks and also cubase to do my software recoding. As you can see the stealth plug is pretty cool. It is a USB type interface that goes directly a quarter inch into your guitar which are your effects rack. I really like this but the only issue is that you get one track at a time going into the software. Different software you can use are cubase, pro tools, digital performer. These are the top software that professional studios use. Again, you have to know this software inside and out. You are going to have to really get in, and dig in, some books or DVD's on how to use these things but they are incredible tools that we have as independent artists to do these things. Other hardware that you want to use with the software are things like a M-box made by Digital Design, Cubase and obviously Digital Performer depending on what version you get of them. If you get the strip down version, some of them only come with 16 tracks or something like that. You'll have to look at the manufacturer and talk to your local guitar store, your local music store as to what would best suit you as far as you want to go with your music and how much home recording you actually want to do.