How to Stop Being Competitive in Your Marriage and Learn to Work As A Team!
Why would I want to compete against my spouse? Think of it this way; whenever you compete against your spouse, you are actually halving his / her chances and yours too really.
Instead of wasting time doing this, do you not think that you will be better utilizing your energy working as a team and actually increasing your chances by 200 percent? Another way to look at it is this; your marriage is losing the battle if either of you is winning - think about it for a second (in fact take a full minute to ponder over that statement).
In this article you will discover how you can stop being negatively competitive towards your partner and harness the power in "we".
Let's get on with it shall we? You need to be able to tell your husband / wife how you feel about competition.
Tell him / her that you are competitive by nature and that you struggle with it constantly.
It really is not a negative attribute - the problem begins when you turn that force on / against your own husband or wife.
It may be that you are from a home where competition against siblings is rife.
You had to struggle for attention or love or whatever.
You need to unlearn that now and your husband / wife can help if you tell them about it.
Now that you have fully disclosed your "condition" to your spouse, you are ready for the next step.
Pick your battles wisely.
Certain things can be overlooked.
Instead of criticizing every action your husband or wife takes or every step which your partner makes, you should choose those which are really necessary to point out.
And even after that, you need to point it out in love.
So his car is dirty, tell him nicely (after all you overlooked that fact when you guys were dating).
Maybe her kitchen is not the cleanest in the neighborhood - tread carefully here sir, she may be very sensitive about that.
If after everything you still feel the need to be competitive with your husband / wife, then change the sign in front of the competition equation.
Instead of (negative (minus sign)) competition turn it to (positive (plus sign)) competition.
Here is how you can achieve that; The law of mathematics states that any sign you take over from one side (the left, for instance) to the other side (the right side) becomes opposite.
So instead of competing negatively, why not compete positively? Why not try to outdo your spouse where complementing each other is concerned? Why no outdo yourselves in acts of kindness and keep tabs? The winner gets to choose a reward from a list of pre-agreed-upon rewards or something.
Doing this will switch a negative trait into one which is positive and you will end up with a marriage that will be the envy of your friends and family.