Ideas for a 20th Birthday
- A sophisticated party with a dress code will acknowledge they are adults.Aaron Cobbett/Digital Vision/Getty Images
Turning 20, while not officially a big birthday milestone, signifies the end of teenage life. While individuals will appreciate different types of gifts, it is a good idea to treat a 20th birthday as something a little bit special. People may feel they have become an adult now that they are in their 20s, so a gift that reflects that this is an important birthday for them will be appreciated. - Treat action heroes to a parachute jump or a quad bike riding adventure. There are many companies that specialize in these kind of activities nowadays. Expect to pay around $320 for a parachute jump and from around $175 for quad bike riding as of 2010.
- Name a star after the person celebrating a birthday. You can name a star for around $52 and you will receive an astrological map showing where the star is. You will then have something material to give her on her birthday. A health club day for two people would also be unlikely to disappoint. Starting from approximately $145, the birthday girl can take a partner or friend to get pampered too.
- Most 20-year-olds enjoy live concerts and if you make a point of getting tickets for his favorite band, it shows you've put effort and thought into the gift.
- Plan a big party to show you understand this is a landmark birthday. A more adult theme, with a black-tie dress code, perhaps, will complement her newly grown-up feeling.
- Another option is to pay for a night out for the birthday boy and his friends. A meal in a classy restaurant and tickets to a club is an adult-themed night that he will relish. Top off the treat by hiring a stretch limo for the whole group to get around town in.
- Think about buying some smaller gifts for her to open on the day. Books, CDs, make-up and clothing store vouchers are something to get excited about. Although she may feel more adult at 20, she's not too grown up to appreciate ripping the paper off a few of these items.
- At 20, young adults often have cars that they need money to maintain or their own homes to pay bills on. If they are short of cash they may ask for practical presents like having their car insurance paid for, or money so they can pay their telephone bill. Fulfill their request (if you can, of course), but try to give them a treat too, if only a little one, to mark the occasion.