My Top Ten Movie Star Queens Of All Time
The girls have their guys, and the guys have their girls.
So this is my top ten movie star queens of all time.
1) Now first on my list is a lady by the name of Liz Taylor.
I'm sure most of the younger generation knows her through, recently passed on music icon Michael Jackson.
Born on Feb.
27, 1932 her beauty graced the screen in the 50's and 60's.
Her movies just to name a few,"Who's Afraid Of Virginia Wolf" and "National Velvet" made her career take off and never land.
Even today as she's grown quite older in age, you can still see traces of that attractiveness that the world fell in love with and still loves today.
2) This blond bomb shell was born on June 1, 1926.
You guessed it, Marilyn Monroe.
The first girl to grace the cover and centerfold of the first edition of Playboy magazine in 1953.
She was known for a number of her movies, but sadly now more known for her tragic death at the age of 36.
Marilyn died from an overdose of sleeping pills on Aug.
3) Now another attractive up and coming actress who's life was cut short tragically also.
Her name, Sharon Tate.
If you have any question of her beauty, any one of her Coppertone adds she was a spokeswoman for would erase that.
Her senseless death came at the hands of Charles Manson and his evil sick followers on Aug.
9, 1969.
4) One more tragic ending to another beautiful movie queen.
Her name, Natilie Wood.
She was born on July 20, 1938 and died in a mysterious accidental boating death at a young age of 43.
Wood died on a yacht with husband Robert Wagner, and co-star Chris Walken in "Brainstorm".
Neither one has commented on that night since that night.
(either to protect her legacy, or their own) 5) On a more happier note, this girl made the country stand up and take notice of nothing, but pure beauty.
In her hit movie "10" with Dudley Moore.
This Goddess of course is Bo Derek.
She was born on Nov.
20, 1954, and still as stunning today at the age of 54.
6) This girl won the hearts of everyone and still does today, Julia Roberts.
Born on Oct.
28,1967 she splashed on the scene with her classic with Richard Gere, "Pretty Woman" and hasn't looked back since.
Julia maintains that same beauty today, twenty years later.
7) Going back in time again, this Star was born on May 4th, 1929 in Brussels, Belgium.
This one is a bit harder to guess, but the name is still well known in Hollywood as well as the rest of the world.
Her name, Audrey Hepburn.
Known for countless films like "Breakfast At Tiffany's".
Her true love was being a goodwill ambassador for UNICEF.
It's an organization to let the world know of the needs of the children in Ethiopia, as well as the rest of the world.
She died on Jan.
20, 1993 after losing a battle with colon cancer.
Audrey Hepburn was not only a star, but a true humanitarian.
8) This woman was a princess in every sense of the word.
Her name, the gorgeous Grace Kelly.
She was born on Nov.
12, 1929, and died tragically with her daughter Stephanie in 1982 in a car accident.
It was a sad ending for the Academy Award winning actress.
9) This dark haired beauty was born on Sept.
25, 1969.
She was voted #11 out of 100 in the 2004 sexiest woman of the year poll.
Her name, Catherine Zeta-Jones.
It's needless to say her #11 ranking was no surprise to anyone.
She has starred in a number of hit movies with all the top leading men.
Catherine today at age 42, is still as pretty and appealing as ever.
10) Now though this girl is #10 on the list, she's my special favorite.
(not that being top 10 on anybody's list isn't something special) Born on Feb.
11, 1969, her name and my sweetheart is Jennifer Aniston.
The former "Friends" star, and the leading girl in so many heart warming movies, I've lost count.
The Golden Globe winner plays such great parts in those movies, I can't see how anyone wouldn't fall in love with her.
She has won my heart over and over again.
Jennifer Aniston simply put, is a doll.
Now that is my top ten movie queens of all time.
I'm sure most guys may have their own, but something tells me...
that everyone's top ten would be pretty darn good.