How to Get More Customers For Your Dog Grooming Business
The main reason for this sag is the ongoing global financial crisis.
This downturn has affected the profits of all types of businesses, because consumers are cutting down on their expenses.
It is not surprising that having made an investment in your business you now want to expand your customer base.
Hence, it is important that you are aware of the methods with which you can attract new customers while retaining existing clients.
We will now be taking a detailed look into this topic.
A good way to attract new clients online to your dog grooming business would be to explore the social network or media websites.
There are so many people visiting these websites everyday that their actual count could leave you dazed.
You can try offering a free first grooming or shampoo in an effort to attract new clients.
And adding extra advertising posters or doing a letter box drop will ensure that word gets out about your dog grooming business.
Printing a lot of business cards is a good way to advertise and you can give them to everyone you meet, ask them to pass them on if they have no dog.
You can put advertisements about your dog grooming business on many social websites.
You can even post these on the local community hall's web page.
This would ensure that you reach out to a larger audience.
Customer referral is a very powerful tool for attracting new customers.
This will certainly result in a rise in profit.
It is very surprising that a lot of businesses do not make a very proper use of this tool.
There are people who feel shy talking to their existing clients.
But this is not something to be ashamed of or something which is wrong.
By talking to your existing satisfied clients, you are motivating them to recommend your product to their friends.
You can call them over phone or talk to them in person.
You need to make it clear that you value them as a customer and you are asking a favor from them.
And a satisfied customer would be more than willing to refer you.
Network building is another method to acquire customers.
You can do this by working in cooperation with other businesses in your area.
You should be on the lookout for a product or service, which complements the ones you offer and work together to boost your sales.
For example, you can advertise your dog grooming business at a local pet store and you can advertise their products at your salon.
By joining hands with other complementing businesses, you will be getting some of their clients as well.
There is, of course, a conventional advertisement method you can opt for.
This is nothing but the word of mouth advertising.
In case you operate locally only, this is probably the best way to advertise your products.
For example, you can readily distribute leaflets promoting the dog grooming services of your salon at the favorite spots of dog walkers in your town.
You can also offer discount vouchers as well.
By using this method, you will certainly make your services more attractive to customers.
Your profits will soar to levels which are much higher than you have expected.
Once you have enlarged your customer base, you should think of ways to keep your existing clients.
You can readily offer customer loyalty cards.
This is an excellent idea when you have a dog grooming salon.
You can readily offer discounts to clients who bring their dogs for grooming on a monthly or weekly basis.