Hypnotic Influence With the Instruction Manual For the Mind
Their answer? You'll hear it every time.
"I don't know," they say.
It never surprises me.
But the truth is, they're right.
They don't know, consciously.
They have mastered the art of influence to such an extent that they do what they do with effortless ease, naturally and automatically.
For years, researchers sought to reveal the keys to masterful influence and persuasion with little success...
until now.
The world's top sellers, sales superstars and masters of persuasion have a secret.
What is it? It's simple; their communication is...
Masters of sales and influence use the subtle powers of hypnosis to captivate and hold the attention and interest of prospects and clients, stir their listener's emotions and win their hearts, minds and wallets.
They are able to garner instantaneous trust and command immediate respect and confidence.
They are able to melt resistance with ease, overcome objections with grace and close sales effortlessly.
Best of all, their clients are delighted! Why? Because those who use the secrets of hypnotic selling are able to understand their clients at the deepest level, communicate with them in a way that is maximally effective and create win-win situations that keep them coming back for more.
Masters of sales hypnosis are able to use their voice, gestures and words in a way that is, well, hypnotic! Their charisma is contagious, their communication compelling and their presence is mesmerizing.
It wasn't too long ago and I had done everything perfectly to make the sale.
Yet, he gave the famous objection.
"I'll have to think about it.
" I looked at him and told him three things.
Then I repeated his words, "Now you need to think about it.
" His answer? "No, I'm ready to do it.
" I can' tell you how many times I have repeated that same scenario.
How about this one: She wanted thousands of dollars up front, or she wouldn't speak at their event.
They were up in arms because they needed her and she was the only one for the job.
She was asking for too much, and she wouldn't budge unless she got what she wanted.
I got a call in desperation, begging me to help.
I picked up the phone, called her and asked her one question.
She immediately replied, "I'm in.
" One well-crafted sentence saved us thousands of dollars and got us what we wanted.
Recently one of my business partners looked at me with an inquisitive eye and said "David, you speak and people throw money at you.
How do you do it?" And so I taught him everything I know.
The result beginning just 2 months later? He now outsells and outperforms me every month with a 90% close rate and gets referral after referral.
The subtitle of Dr.
Frank Luntz's book Words that Work says it all: "It's not what you say, it's what people hear.
" He's right.
Unless your communication is masterful, what people hear won't be what you intended and influence will be far from effortless.
The hypnotic salesperson's most important skill is mastery of language.
Top sellers recognize the magic inherent in language and their words cast a spell on their listeners.
"Words were originally magic and to this day words have retained much of their ancient magical power," said Sigmund Freud a hundred years ago.
He knew that words can and do mean the difference between success and failure.
The hypnotic salesperson uses artfully crafted and powerfully effective language to influence a client's thinking, feelings and actions.
To really grasp how they accomplish incredible feats of effortless influence, you need to understand how the mind works.
As a salesperson, entrepreneur or leader, how would your life change if you understood the workings of the mind? Most would presume that the mind is infinitely complex, but it's actually incredibly simple, as you are about to find out.
The brain is an information processing unit.
We take in information through our five senses and process it through various filters; beliefs, expectations, memories and values.
Once processed, the information is transformed into thoughts - ideas, perceptions and images in the mind.
Our thoughts then lead to feelings and emotions.
What we think determines how we feel.
Our feelings and emotions then lead to actions.
How we feel determines what we do.
Thoughts -» Feelings -» Actions Understanding this model of the mind can absolutely transform your sales results.
As you speak to a client or prospect, everything you say is being processed through their perceptual filters and translated into thoughts.
Those thoughts lead to feelings and eventually their decision to buy or not to buy.
When communicating, most people have no idea what perceptual filters may stand in the way of a buying decision.
But when you know what your clients' filters are, when you know their core beliefs, values and thinking styles, you can adjust your communication so it has the desired effect.
Without this information, you can only hope to make the sale.
As you present your product and service to your client, you can adjust your communication to put the right pictures and perceptions in their mind.
You can communicate in a way that changes the way they feel, putting them in state of trust, excitement and motivation.
In order to make the sale, you have to change their state.
What happens when you have a deep understanding of your clients and how their mind works? Your communication becomes hypnotic.
You speak to their deepest interests, their highest values and you use their most deeply held beliefs to show them how your product or service can give them what they want.
Most sales people are far from hypnotic.
They bore the client with a canned approach and little understanding of their client's true wants and needs.
When you can uncover what you client really wants, needs and values, you can make your selling hypnotic.
When they feel you understand them at the deepest level, have their well-being at heart and know what they want and need, you will have their trust.
Most of the time when I go to buy something, the sales person fails miserably at winning my trust and helping me solve my problem.
And trust me, I make it so easy for them! I tell them what I want and what my concerns are right up front.
But somehow they don't seem to be able to tune into what I want and what I need help with.
I only wish more sales people would be hypnotic! If they understood my deepest wants, communicated with me in a way that really got through, my life would be so much easier, and theirs as well! Why do we choose to buy from someone? Because they win our trust, they are tuned in to our wants and needs and they speak to our interests and values.
When you can do this for the people you serve, and when you can do it hypnotically, prospects and clients will buy from you time and time again, and they'll send their friends too! Does sales hypnosis give you an unfair advantage? Absolutely! And it's an advantage that you need if you're going to make it in a business world that is more and more competitive and a tough economy.
In the future, it's not those with technical qualifications that will make it in business.
Those who are masters of communication and influence, who can motivate, inspire and win the hearts of listeners will succeed while others are left only wishing.