What Is the File Extension FCK?
- Text editing uses .fck code to determine where the JavaScript integrates with CKEdit's platform. The extension .fck creates these instances on the browser page and specifies parameters for a text box.
- FCKeditor, or CKEditor, a JavaScript WYSIWYG text editor, uses the extension .fck for its files. CKeditor allows a user to create content in Microsoft Word, using all of the Microsoft tools, and then paste the final version into a browser.
- Developers use .fck files in their programs to create places for text on web pages using the website's format. The site Blogger, for example, has a CKEditor component with which a blogger edits the text in the create-post interface that has the same style as the blog. CKEditor enables copying and pasting from Microsoft Word to create the same font parameters as the Word document.
- To use CKEditor, you must first download the latest version of the editor from the CKSource website. After downloading CKEditor, extract the downloaded file to a directory called "ckeditor" in the root of your website.